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about 1 month ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Dedexy

So uh, I hate to be that person but can we bring up that the number chosen for the Survivor buff is odd, as in "famous nazi dogwhistle" type of odd. I get it's a trash augment and need a buff, but they could have chosen literally any other numbers, like a round 90 or 85 instead.

Hopefully that's just a slip up, but dev teams be dev teams and it wouldn't be the first time in the industry something like that happens.

I find a lot of choices for augments more interesting to tailor your comp, Glass Canon disappearing from the first choice pool is interesting, same as Shop Glitch being 2-1 exclusive, it makes it more unique and also easier to plan around rerolling

New anomalies are fine.... Titan of Teamwork sounds like the most useless so far, but it might be good on a Sentinel or Bruiser reroll comp to buff-up your main tank with otherwise inaccessible Durability. Cybernetic Empowerment sounds good in Scrap (if it works together). Voracious Appetite sounds like a win-more augment if you're ahead, Brutal Claws is definitely the most interesting of those for Ambusher comps. Scaling augments sounds fine but slow, like it'd be 5% more AD/AP per fight lategame, sometimes less, sounds bad when it's so late. They should add an encounter where the anomaly appears earlier if they want those to shine

EDIT: Wow ruffled a couple of feather with that one, like I said, I don't like to bring it up, and I like the game like other people on this sub. But I'm neither a dev nor responsible for that specific number being a dog whistle.

I'm the one who picked this number.

88 is a chinese lucky number. I've done enough slot machines themed after chinese new year that cost 88 cents to play and all the payouts are 188, 288, 388 etc. So I picked it as a small nod of good fortune.