It’s been on Chinese mobile for a bit, I played and it was rather fun, not super different from normal tft tho and idk how it’ll go for ranked
It’s been on Chinese mobile for a bit, I played and it was rather fun, not super different from normal tft tho and idk how it’ll go for ranked
Hextech Augments are something different again :)
We're expecting them to have a pretty meaningful impact on each game!
I hope we get high elo spectate, too
Just to get it taken from us for no f**king reason couple seasons later as is tradition ;_;
Esports Camera / Spectator for competitive events is still on track for the Reckoning finals! Sorry for not including it in the video!
But this is competitive only? So nothing for regular client/player?
We are only creating spectator for competitive only as of right now.
What are your thoughts on the last round of every stage (i.e 2-5 3-5) you and your teammate combine boards, given 2 minutes to prepare and have potentially 18 vs 18 units fighting?
Obviously huge balance issues but that's something I've never seen done in any other auto battler which could be unique to TFT
Depending on how our explorations with this mode go we could certainly be open to trying other takes on teamplay. For now though we want to start with something that's pretty close to the core TFT experience already on offer, see how that lands, iterate from there.
It seems they are a separate thing from LLs so they can probably keep the current ones in ARAM without allowing the chibis.
Yep. LLs will still be on ARAM. Chibi Champions are not LLs and will not be allowed on ARAM right from the start.
I really hope cinematics stay focused around LL and won't include any Chibi Champs. Any info on that? Sorry if you're not the person to ask.
That's the plan so far at least. We haven't got any further than the Set 6 video, that one's LLs + regular champs just like previous ones though certainly