about 2 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Temtem is really launching tomorrow. Is this real, can you pinch me?

Since the server is now down, you have two options: drop by the AMA and ask us stuff, or sit here and listen to a tip on character customization. Your choice.

Everybody knows fashion is the true endgame of any MMO.

There are endless possibilities of personalization in Temtem, so you can be who you want to be!

From choosing your body type, walking animation and pronouns, to all the clothing options, most of which can be dyed (some more than once), opening an incredible fan of possibilities. Take inspiration from inspecting the Tamers around you, or from story characters and NPCs.

Not only your character is customizable: you'll be able to choose from a range of Emotes that will convey what you're feeling to the rest of the world, cool Sprays to display your favorite Temtem or vibe, Temcard Seals that will make sure your Tems come out to the battle in style, or even Battle Intro and Outro animations that will make winning an even sweeter feat. And did I mention there's new types of dyes coming?

Temtem is finally leaving its Early Access phase tomorrow. What a time to be alive.

Server is down, but you can still get Temtem on any platform!

Catch up with us on all our socials for more fun and interesting Temtem content.

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