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Its all Cosmetic and optional whats even your point : fUlL pRiCe GaMeS dOnT nEeD BaTtLe PaSs.I think it great for Hardcore fans and if they release new content with every season its Win for all of us.

But Monkey Brain sees battle pass : Monkey leaves a negative steam review.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Edit: Grammar

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about 2 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Solgocudo

While I don't mind the battlepass i completely understand people not wanting one. And I can't have much empathy for CREMA when the store prices are this ridiculous, if that wasn't enough to annoy most people, top it off with FOMO psychological garbage and this is what happens. So while I dont agree with them, I don't think they're being unfair in their reviews.

the review that just said "bruh" was very very fair

about 2 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by skilliard7

My main frustration is that the devs outright lied. I was willing to forgive them for failing to deliver content even remotely close to their roadmap(maybe they got a bit too ambitious), but we were supposed to get the Nuzlocke mode when the battle pass came out.

The fact that the devs decided to prioritize making the battle pass system to make more money rather than the content they promised to their backers is a bit greedy, IMO.

If they weren't greedy, they would've given away the first battle pass for free as compensation for their failure to deliver promised content. But the devs are pretty arrogant tbh.

I'm sorry if this makes me arrogant, but none of this is true and I feel it's unfair. I don't see how we've failed to deliver anything. Everything promised is here, being worked on or coming soon, and a lot more extras has been added.
This is our old roadmap. It says "endgame island, cosmetic battle pass, Nuzlocke" in that order. We've mentioned often lately that Nuzlocke is planned for post release, and it always has been. There's been no change in plans or prioritization. We're working in the Nuzlocke mode now, and if our goal was to make money why would we have waited to add monetization with full launch? We've had two years for it.

about 2 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Solgocudo

Come on now. You know I'm not defending those reviews. Just think about it, stop assuming all these new players keep in touch in discord like us and you'll see the problem. If I, as a "new player" that just bought this game at current price, get to find first thing a battle pass, a store with items at 1/3 price of what I just paid, and FOMO strategy all over the place... I bet I'd write a review like the ones this post is complaining about. Maybe make sure that the battle pass/store is only shown for players at endgame idk. But you'd be wrong to mock/ignore these people concerns in my opinion.

I don’t mock or disregard valid feedback on the battle pass. I just know there was organized action to review bomb the game and that’s not defensible at all. Most of the reviewers are by no means new players, too.