almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Hi Tamers! This one's for the Discord players of Temtem. If you're a PS5 or Steam user, this does not affect you at all and you can keep enjoying your Temtem adventure.

We recently got news from Discord that they've made the decision to deprecate the Store channel functionality and the ability to sell SKUs through Discord. The change will take place in March 1st, 2022. This means that you will not be able to purchase Temtem through Discord past that date, and that the Store channel will be deactivated.

While Discord was a great chance to distribute Temtem in its earliest stages, and we've enjoyed a very long run with it, this decision raises concern, as we cannot be sure how long support for the games will be provided, and could potentially complicate the process of updating the game on this platform. We cannot maintain a version of the game that people won't be able to purchase, either, and we see no point in keeping this avenue open if it's essentially going to lose support eventually. We don't like this situation either, and we would've liked to avoid reaching this point, but unfortunately we've been pushed to this, and what we want is to be able to offer solutions.

Thus, we'll be taking action before that happens to progressively migrate our playerbase from the platform, so that, by the time we reach version 1.0 of Temtem, all our current Discord playerbase has been migrated and we can safely end support for the Discord version of Temtem.

We won't be making this change overnight, and our goal is to have all accounts migrated before we reach version 1.0 of Temtem. This is only our initial approach to the issue, so you can know our planned solutions immediately and prepare accordingly, but we'll be sharing details and more info on this later down the road, as we begin making arrangements.

Here are the measures we will be taking:

  • To try and make things as smooth as possible, we will be taking down the Store channel now. This will prevent new players from hopping on in this platform and getting caught in the turmoil.
  • Every Discord account that currently owns Temtem will be given a Temtem Steam key that they'll be able to redeem whenever they want.
  • We are working on a functionality that will allow you to link a Discord account with a Steam account and migrate the progress. We will provide more details on this in the future.
  • You will be notified months in advance before access to Temtem from a Discord account is removed.

We wanted to let you know this early on so you can plan accordingly, but we'll be keeping you informed on dates and how to carry out this processes as we begin to execute it out.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause, and expect to see you on the Archipelago soon!

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almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Hi Tamers! This one's for the Discord players of Temtem. If you're a PS5 or Steam user, this does not affect you at all and you can keep enjoying your Temtem adventure.

We recently got news from Discord that they've made the decision to deprecate the Store channel functionality and the ability to sell SKUs through Discord. The change will take place in March 1st, 2022. This means that you will not be able to purchase Temtem through Discord past that date, and that the Store channel will be deactivated.

While Discord was a great chance to distribute Temtem in its earliest stages, and we've enjoyed a very long run with it, this decision raises concern, as we cannot be sure how long support for the games will be provided, and could potentially complicate the process of updating the game on this platform. We cannot maintain a version of the game that people won't be able to purchase, either, and we see no point in keeping this avenue open if it's essentially going to lose support eventually. We don't like this situation either, and we would've liked to avoid reaching this point, but unfortunately we've been pushed to this, and what we want is to be able to offer solutions.

Thus, we'll be taking action before that happens to progressively migrate our playerbase from the platform, so that, by the time we reach version 1.0 of Temtem, all our current Discord playerbase has been migrated and we can safely end support for the Discord version of Temtem.

We won't be making this change overnight, and our goal is to have all accounts migrated before we reach version 1.0 of Temtem. This is only our initial approach to the issue, so you can know our planned solutions immediately and prepare accordingly, but we'll be sharing details and more info on this later down the road, as we begin making arrangements.

Here are the measures we will be taking:

  • To try and make things as smooth as possible, we will be taking down the Store channel now. This will prevent new players from hopping on in this platform and getting caught in the turmoil.
  • Every Discord account that currently owns Temtem will be given a Temtem Steam key that they'll be able to redeem whenever they want.
  • We are working on a functionality that will allow you to link a Discord account with a Steam account and migrate the progress. We will provide more details on this in the future.
  • You will be notified months in advance before access to Temtem from a Discord account is removed.

We wanted to let you know this early on so you can plan accordingly, but we'll be keeping you informed on dates and how to carry out this processes as we begin to execute it out.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause, and expect to see you on the Archipelago soon!

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almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by SevenSeasAgo

This is going to have a major impact on players that have alt accounts. I know some people only had alt accounts for things like additional radars, but for myself and quite a few other players, we used alt accounts to compensate for things that weren’t being addressed in the game.

Some of the more notable ones being additional storage and the clan caps. Additional storage has been requested time and time again. There’s not enough space to store Tems. We need a place to keep finished Tems, breeding projects, SVs, lumas. We don’t have enough room and still have no way to get more. With clans, my clan is big enough that anyone else that wants to join us has to join a clan owned by my alt and ran by the alts of my mods.

Just saying “sorry, but alts weren’t technically supported” feels like a real kick in the shins to the players that loved the game so much that they were will to buy it twice. A simple fix would be to put the game on another launching system, such as Epic. I understand alt accounts wouldn’t be a high priority to the devs, but fixing the issues that caused players to buy them in the first place definitely needs to be addressed.

Hi! I already answered on the Discord server but I'm going to answer here now so the info is available on most places:
Storage size is a technical issue, not us not wanting to just grant it. There's a lot of data associated with each them, and limited size in our server (which also costs money). Also, you can still have two steam accounts and double the temdeck and club size.
We've never encouraged alts, and Discord was a platform for us like every other platform. There are other platforms now and there will be more in the future, so the thing with the clan size can still be the same. You could also delegate the new clubs on other friends of yours instead of on your alts, as I know other clubs do.

In short, this sucks for us too, and if we had known 2 years ago that this was the way it was going to go, we probably would've never stepped into Discord at all. Sorry for the inconveniences.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Enby-Adams

We've never encouraged alts

I am sorry Tsukki but I find this very disingenuous. I am looking at a Discord message from you saying "Twice the accounts means twice the fun, twice the tateru". I bought my 1st account on steam, then clarified on the official Temtem Discord that a 2nd one wasn't against ToS. Please don't say this was something Creama staff tried to dissuade customers from doing.

A second steam key wont really help me. Is the only way I will be able to preserve my 2nd account really with a second steam account/second computer? I am struggling to see a way in which this wont functionally delete my 2nd.

I've answered to you on the Discord server as well, but a joke I made 8 months ago about something that was already being talked about doesn't equal an official push to get alts and play that way. I joke about people being mean and that doesn't mean I encourage it.
Discord wasn't "the place for alts" for us, it was just another platform and one we didn't think we'd end up losing. Playing on more than one platform is indeed not against ToS, or people who got the game on PS5 after having it on Steam would be in trouble. People play on two platforms for more reasons than having an alt.
If I had the gift of clairvoyance I would not have made that joke, but I don't, and this couldn't be prevented either. We're trying to minimize the losses caused by this.
Switching from one account to the other is always available with one computer, even with two Steam accounts. Your 2nd account will be there anytime, you're not losing anything you've played for.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Enby-Adams

I cant run two steam accounts on the same machine at the same time. I am not risking valve ToS here. Realistically my only option is buying another machine and setting up a 2nd Steam account just for Temtem.

What are the odds this could be ported Discord-To-Switch /u/ItsTusski ? Or Ps5 for that matter?

The account migration will happen before we launch Switch and Xbox XSX ports, and as far as I know this is not usual cross-save, it's account migration, so it might not be a system that gets implemented for PS5. It's something we've had to pull out of thin air today, upon learning the news. As we progress on the system we'll be able to tell you more, this is just a really early info post.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Enby-Adams

At no point was I blaming Crema for this happening, its Discord. However the end effect really sucks.

I am however saying it's a straight up lie for Tsukki to say "Crema never encouraged alts".

Again, it was a joke. I'm also not the whole entity of Crema, as a human being I make jokes too. I did not cause the entire phenomenon of alts by making that joke.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by rogoku

There's a lot of data associated with each them

Either you are storing information in a horrible inefficient way, or you are straight up lying. A couple kb of data is NOTHING for modern server storage.

I am not a technical expert nor directly involved in this process, so I cannot provide a lengthier explanation, but the people involved in this have no reason to lie. We have one single server and a lot of accounts.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Shimmermist

Out of curiosity, has a single player mode with local storage ever been considered (that would be blocked from online interaction)? Or a subscription service like pokemon home that acts as pure storage that would allow for the subscriptions to pay for storage servers?

The online element of Temtem is a core part of its nature for us, with its pros and cons, so an offline version is not on the table for us.
With this change, some users in the Discord server suggested we add the chance to increase storage via a paid subscription, but it's also something we had never considered before, so we'd need to think with it for a while. We can return to this topic in the future, once we're done with current features that require our attention right now.

almost 3 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

Originally posted by Suomikotka

Ignoring that somehow the Tem are coded in such a way that it takes too much storage - why not just make excess storage space local and then have an online checker that makes sure tem transfered from local storage are legit? Is that something planned for in the future?

I am not part of the tech team, so I cannot speak on the viability of that or whether our systems could be compatible with it. My advice would be that you post about it in our forums, where people with the appropriate technical knowledge can look at it, sorry.