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I bought it right away because I was excited to discover the game with something unlocking along the way, and I don't care much about money so why not, but I feel scammed anyway xD Worst case is we lost 10€ but that still suck. The best way would be to give XP for EVERYTHING we do, not "almost" like they say because here it's really annoying, (like 3 xp for leveling to 3 and 80 xp for leveling to 80 so each level is more rewarding but also need a little more time but we feel good about leveling a tem to max level), evolving (100xp), etc, even loosing ranked match should give a little. Quest should give too, I understand that players who already finished the story could not benefit from this but they have the endgame and weeklies. Maybe give to new players some dailies or weeklies like capturing and defeating, also make the story tamers give some XP. Not as much as an endgame player, but a little, playing 10h and only making 150xp out of the 3300 for the level 2 is really discouraging, and some people like me may finish the game and not touch it again after that because wow.

Imagine playing games like Destiny 2 or other "MMO" like game for the first time, experiencing the story content for 50h and only be level 3 out of 60 ? Wow

Please consider changing a little this, the game is really awesome beside that, or reassure me lol and if you are an endgame player tell me that once the story is finished it's somewhat doable for people who work to complete the pass.

Also, I hope the XP requirements do not go up each few levels lol

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about 2 years ago - /u/ItsTsukki - Direct link

we're on it