over 3 years
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Greetings Terrarians!
It's a big day for Console Terraria, so we wanted to be the first to share the exciting news with you...
As we shared a few weeks back, we have submitted Journey's End/1.4 for review on consoles! Now we will patiently await the results of the review process, fix any issues raised (and resubmit as necessary), etc. Once approved by Sony/Microsoft, we will be set to put the update in your hands! The timing of the review process is a bit...
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Greetings Terrarians!
It's a big day for Console Terraria, so we wanted to be the first to share the exciting news with you...
As we shared a few weeks back, we have submitted Journey's End/1.4 for review on consoles! Now we will patiently await the results of the review process, fix any issues raised (and resubmit as necessary), etc. Once approved by Sony/Microsoft, we will be set to put the update in your hands! The timing of the review process is a bit...
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