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about 2 years ago - /u/Redigit - Direct link

Originally posted by Fearless-Sherbet-223

Tree tree: Pretty nice. Classic, natural, easy on the eyes. I like it. It gets a 5/5 for tree texture. The wood is a nice wood-colored wood, useful for building but gets a little bland after a while. 4/5 for placed wood texture. Plus 1/2 bonus points for decent drops when you smack the tree, but not super exciting or cool ones, brings it to a total of 10/10 out of a maximum possible 12/10.

Ebonwood tree: Has its pluses, for sure. It's a nice soft purple color, which is really pretty if you've just switched to a drunk or corrupt world from an all-crimson one, but if you've been playing on corruption for a while purple just kind of starts to look like gray. Overall, the corruption biome is a little too monochromatic- but that's not the tree's fault particularly. I'll give it a 4/5 for tree texture. The placed wood is pretty nice in that it blends together smoothly, although the texture is honestly a bit reminiscent of veggie straws ngl. I'll give it a 4/5 for placed texture. The color's nice, too. Drops are pretty cool- I like the evil fruits. +2 bonus points for a total of 10/10.

Shadewood tree: You know, it's not a half bad design for the tree texture. I like that it has an actual contrast. It pops out and looks kinda pretty. This tree genuinely adds something to the crimson biome's aesthetic. 4/5. The placed wood is a bit blue for how you'd think it would be. I kinda wish it were darker and either reddish or a more purpley blue or just straight up dark gray or something. 3/5 for placed texture. The drops are a bit meh tbh- the rambutan honestly doesn't look like something you'd eat. So that's an unfortunate +0 bonus points, for a total of 7/10 for the shadewood tree.

Pearlwood tree: Genuinely don't like the texture. Most of the Hallow biome is pretty and soft and fairytale, and then the trees just look like cupcakes made with too much food dye. I'm not into it. 2/5 for texture. I haven't built with the wood yet, so I can't rate that. Dunno on drops either. I'll give it a +1 for being associated with pixies though, just because I feel like I've been too mean to it. So that's a 3/5 for the Pearlwood tree.

Boreal tree: I have mixed feelings on this one. Sometimes I love the look of the tree, and sometimes it just annoys me. I think it really just needs the snow to soften it- looks great in a blizzard. I guess I'll go 4/5 on the tree texture. Now for the wood- the color of it is just perfect and amazing and I love it. Boreal armor and weapons, chef's kiss. BUT the tiling when you place it is just so cringe. Since when does wood look like that? If it shared the normal wood texture or the ebonwood texture but was just darker and kept the boreal wood color, I would be in love. 3/5 for wood texture overall- but make it blend together right and it could be a 5/5. +1/2 for the nice sugar plum drop, and the total is gonna be 8/10 for boreal wood.

Palm trees: You know, I kinda like the tree texture. It looks like a palm tree. 4/5 just because palm trees aren't really my fave kind of tree irl, but this is a quality replica. However, the wood is really really nice to build with, keeping it simple with a normal wood texture but it's lighter and richer than the standard wood, and the furniture is just beautiful. 6/5 for placed texture. I really can't think of any drops so no bonus points. 10/10 overall, great tree especially for building.

Rich mahogany: It's bit red. It really is. I think it looks good in the jungle and adds a lot to the biome, but I'd hesitate to pick it as my favorite because of that. Still, 5/5 tree texture. Again, it really fits the jungle and adds a really nice contrast that works well with both the mud and the jungle grass colors and doesn't look stupid. Respect. I actually like it a lot for placing, too. You get a choice between the living wood/shadewood type of texture, or more of a rounded log cabiny feel (if you put two layers next to each other). I love having that option. 4/5 for placed texture. It's a bit too red to be a 5/5, but I'm glad we have a nice red wood option, I just don't want to overuse it. 2/2 for drops just because for some reason the living wand drops make me happy even though they will accumulate in a chest and never get used. Additional +1 because the living mahogany texture is absolutely gorgeous. 12/10 overall.

Mushroom tree: This is a really nice one before you chop it. I'll go so far as to give it a 6/5 for tree texture, although some of that is probably more my fondness for the neon lighting and pretty blue color around it- but this tree absolutely fits its environment. It looks right in the mushroom biome. Now, where it falls apart is the placement texture. WTF is up with that? It looks like some weird fake mushroom weirdness. I would go 2/5 to be nice, but honestly we could have a neon blue glowing wooden plank and instead we got a half-assed attempt at a Minecraft mushroom block but blue. 1/5, not a fan. Also -1 for not being an actual wood and instead it's some weird mushroom that drops from trees but also from mushrooms and can be used like wood. Too complicated, breaks my brain. So that's a 7/10 overall for the mushroom tree.

Best tree texture: Mushroom tree

Honorable mentions: Standard tree, rich mahogany

Best placed texture: Palm wood

Honorable mentions: Standard tree, rich mahogany, and ebonwood

Worst tree texture: Pearlwood tree

Worst placed texture: Mushroom tree

Best fit for the biome: Tie between rich mahogany and mushroom tree

Most fixable: Boreal tree with its stupid tiley texture when placed

The tree you would invite to a party: Shadewood tree

The tree that would throw the party: Mushroom tree

The tree that stayed home and studied on a Friday night: Standard tree

Best goth gf tree: Ebonwood

And finally, it is time to reveal my favorite... dun dun dun... the standard tree! yes I'm that boring lol

I appreciate your dedication to the write up. Team normal wood here as well