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Good day Terrarians,
Hot on the heels of the main console announcement, we’re pleased today to be able to share information on the future of Terraria on Nintendo. First up, the ‘catch-up’ patch for Wii U Terraria goes live TOMORROW, Friday September 2. As well as clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version, the patch also brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content. You’ll get the Stylist, and a load of new...
Wii U Update and 3DS News
Hot on the heels of the main console announcement, we’re pleased today to be able to share information on the future of Terraria on Nintendo. First up, the ‘catch-up’ patch for Wii U Terraria goes live TOMORROW, Friday September 2. As well as clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version, the patch also brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content. You’ll get the Stylist, and a load of new...
Wii U Update and 3DS News