about 6 years
ago -
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Hello Terrarians!
Our very own @Crowno contributed his time and artwork to a great cause recently and we'd love for you to check it out! Basically, Crowno and other amazing artists collaborated on a pixel art zine and the project's proceeds go towards The AbleGamers Charity! You can learn more, contribute, and get your copy by visiting the Squared Up! IndieGOGO page!...
Squared Up!
Our very own @Crowno contributed his time and artwork to a great cause recently and we'd love for you to check it out! Basically, Crowno and other amazing artists collaborated on a pixel art zine and the project's proceeds go towards The AbleGamers Charity! You can learn more, contribute, and get your copy by visiting the Squared Up! IndieGOGO page!...
Squared Up!