almost 9 years
ago -
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Hello Mobile Terrarians!
Great news for iOS and Android (Google Play) users! We have good amount of fixes (below) going live today - these should make their way to your devices over the next 24h-48h! Thanks so much for your patience and help with identifying many of these bugs/issues!
Amazon users: We've been working with Amazon to fix a Heap memory issue that was in the game and causing it to crash frequently. Progress has been made here...and we are sending our latest...
Mobile Fixes Update and Changelog
Great news for iOS and Android (Google Play) users! We have good amount of fixes (below) going live today - these should make their way to your devices over the next 24h-48h! Thanks so much for your patience and help with identifying many of these bugs/issues!
Amazon users: We've been working with Amazon to fix a Heap memory issue that was in the game and causing it to crash frequently. Progress has been made here...and we are sending our latest...
Mobile Fixes Update and Changelog