almost 3 years ago - /u/Loki_ISP - Direct link

Greetings Terrarians!

Thanks for all of your very kind words sent in celebration of Terraria turning 10 years old! This is a very humbling experience for all of us at Re-Logic. Your passionate support over this last decade has fueled our creativity and allowed us to continue to do things our way.

As we look towards the second decade of Terraria as well as the future of our studio, we figured what better time than now to let all of you ask the burning questions that you have on your minds?!

Some ground rules up front!

  • The entire Re-Logic team will be here answering your questions, so please try to be clear if a question is for the team as a whole or for a specific person.

  • The team will answer questions for two hours, starting at 10am Pacific Time and ending at 12pm Pacific Time.

  • We will attempt to answer all of the questions that we can get to in the time allotted. Keep in mind that some topics (or the answers to some topics) might be sensitive/covered by NDAs/etc., so understand that we cannot promise that we can answer everything.

  • If we miss anything due to running out of time, etc. and feel like answering after the fact, we might pull a few into a future post (State of the Game and the like).

  • Keep it fun, keep it classy

That's it - now let the interrogation commence!

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