over 3 years
ago -
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Greetings Terrarians!
The first half of 2021 is behind us - and what a first half it was for the world of Terraria. The second half of the year is setting up to be even bigger - with the release of Journey's End on Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch all slated to come in the next handful of months alongside some pretty darned cool merchandise offerings... and maybe even a few surprises along the way. Let's jump right in and kick the second half of 2021 off properly. The...
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Greetings Terrarians!
The first half of 2021 is behind us - and what a first half it was for the world of Terraria. The second half of the year is setting up to be even bigger - with the release of Journey's End on Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch all slated to come in the next handful of months alongside some pretty darned cool merchandise offerings... and maybe even a few surprises along the way. Let's jump right in and kick the second half of 2021 off properly. The...
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