over 3 years
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Greetings, Terrarians... and happy Terraria 1.4.2/Steam Workshop Support launch day!
That's right - at long last, we are able to provide an easy-to-use system and location for Terrarians everywhere to showcase their creative energies in all new ways. Starting today, everyone will be able to create, upload, share, download, and play a variety of types of game modifications within the vanilla Terraria game. Let's break down the new toys at your disposal...
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Greetings, Terrarians... and happy Terraria 1.4.2/Steam Workshop Support launch day!
That's right - at long last, we are able to provide an easy-to-use system and location for Terrarians everywhere to showcase their creative energies in all new ways. Starting today, everyone will be able to create, upload, share, download, and play a variety of types of game modifications within the vanilla Terraria game. Let's break down the new toys at your disposal...
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