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Twins is considered one boss,it has one achievement,and one relic.but two trophies. In the trophy rooms,we either have to put one trophy and one relic or two trophies and one relic or two trophies and two relics. Twins trophies Should either be combined or the relics should be sperated(this means we consider them as two bosses) We should either consider them as one boss or two bosses.there is no in between And considering them one boss is much easier to develop If they are considered two bosses,then they need Two achievements,two bags,different drops,different music and ... But if they are considered one,then the only thing developers have to do is changing the spirit of items with ID numbers "1368&1369" to a spirit that has the the parts of twins mounted on one item frame. Another problem is that the event bosses don't have masks and we need to put other things to improvise, however the old ones army event bosses have masks even though they are event bosses There is a jack o lantern mask but it's not Pumpking's drop and it's not called "Pumpking's mask". So ultimately my suggestion is combining the twin's trophy to one trophy and adding event bosses masks.And to avoid adding similar items It's better to just rename jack o lantern mask to Pumpking's mask and making it a little bigger and make it drop by Pumpking not the headless horseman We can give headless horseman another drop(maybe its horse)

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4 months ago - /u/Redigit - Direct link

Originally posted by Crazy-Ad-1692

u/Redigit Could you look into these?

Also, people in the comments suggested that a recipe to combine the trophies is better.And OP also agrees

Some valid points. You know at some point we need to release the update, right?