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Why do torches mess with your luck? So its either I see what I am fighting/mining, or I have better luck. This new luck mechanic needs an overhaul already, torches should not affect your luck plain and simple.
Wait a second it also affects your DPS??? WTF?! Why is this a thing??

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about 4 years ago - /u/Redigit - Direct link

Originally posted by Honor_Bound

/u/Redigit could you provide some clarification on this mechanic? I'm loving the update overall but tbh this seems a little extreme especially since it can lower drop rates and decrease DPS.

It's a very subtle effect, and this article doesn't do it justice at all. It's main purpose is to mess with RNG in a superstitious way, lots of games do this. Stop worrying about min maxing and just have fun.

If this really bothers you that much then drink a luck potion, throw down some good torches, place a gnome, touch a ladybug, then afk grind in your choice location on a lantern night.