almost 5 years
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Good day Terrarians!
Thanks to the assistance and detailed reporting from many members of the Community, the Pipeworks team was able to pull together a quick hotfix for a handful of issues from the 1.3.4 update. Below you will find a brief changelog for this update that should be rolling out to everyone today.
Please keep your reports coming in - with as much information as possible - so that PW can continue to produce needed fixes.
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Thanks to the assistance and detailed reporting from many members of the Community, the Pipeworks team was able to pull together a quick hotfix for a handful of issues from the 1.3.4 update. Below you will find a brief changelog for this update that should be rolling out to everyone today.
Please keep your reports coming in - with as much information as possible - so that PW can continue to produce needed fixes.
- Fixed an issue where Tavernkeep may not...
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