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3 days, 24 missions on heroic diifculty in a row with random matchmaking and few 4lvl posts also with random players.
Nobody... NOBODY has the problem doing tese missions on Heroic. No one fail.

I dont see any random players now who have any problems with heroic mode.
Where is the difficulty in this game? Where is the risk and challenge for engame ~GS500 PC players?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
As the game is out for longer and more people have played longer, the collective quality of players is going to reliably increase. This can come from more gear leading to better builds, more play throughs leading to more technical skill, more community networking leading to more shared game knowledge, etc.

Difficulty, as I've said before, is a delicate topic, and finding the right balance of consistent challenge and reliable success can be complex.

One thing from the OP that I am very curious about though, is what aspects of the missions are you finding to be the easiest? Which major or minor objectives have given you the most trouble consistently - or what one has brought you the closest to defeat?

And a general reminder to respect the experiences and opinions of your fellow posters. Thank you.