Original Post — Direct link

Hallo habe Division2 schon bisl, es is echt kommisch ,, drücke spielen und es kommt aktivierungs kay bin aber min richtigen profiel on
. habe kein key das spiel war ein geschenk von ein freund in steam habe ich auch nichts gefunden

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @freak86ctk, and welcome to the forums!

I am only able to provide support in English, but based on using a translation tool on your message, it seems that you are running into an issue launching the game. If you still have that issue, please make sure that you are logged into the correct Ubisoft account.

If you are definitely logged into the correct account, you should reach out to us in a one-on-one support ticket or through our social media DMs.