Original Post — Direct link

I bought Scott Pilgrim for the PC but the sound levels are so quiet that I have to turn my speakers all the way up and even then it's still too quiet. Is there a fix, either official or unofficial, to get normal sound levels from the game?

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey @leoleonardoiii, welcome to the forums! We have received similar reports of players encounter the same issues in Scott Pilgrim vs the World and have remedied this issue by completing our PC Troubleshooting Steps here. However, if you have tried all steps here, could you please submit a support ticket with your MSINFO and DXDIAG attached?

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey @leoleonardoiii, welcome to the forums! We have received similar reports of players encounter the same issues in Scott Pilgrim vs the World and have remedied this issue by completing our PC Troubleshooting Steps here. However, if you have tried all steps here, could you please submit a support ticket with your MSINFO and DXDIAG attached?