Original Post — Direct link

I am having issues with the game i can't get it to run smooth. I am avaraging 18~28 fps. I recently upgraded to a RTX-3070 i was playing on a RTX-2070 Super and i was getting consistent 80 fps.

I tried validating the game files.
I checked for game ready drivers.
I checked my nvidia settings and searched for updates.
I changed the resolution from 3840X1200 to 1920x1080 this had no major effect.https://imgur.com/1aRo4G4
I reinstalled the game. I got 100 to 110 FPS for a minute after it plumeted down bellow 30 FPS.
I turned HDR off this had no impact at all.
I ran a benchmark on low settings and i avaraged 31 FPS. https://imgur.com/dYdSthc

I am just out of ideas and i would appreciate some help.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link
Hey there guys!

Thanks for sharing all of your experiences and workarounds within the thread. You guys makes some excellent troubleshooting points, especially about updating drivers, editing the state.cfg file, and checking various graphics settings, like Vsync.

F1veteran - Did any of these suggestions help to resolve your issue? Or are you still getting low FPS?