Original Post — Direct link

Since about the last 3 or 4 updates my freezing in game is more frequent. It has never gone away. I was so frustrated I reinstalled the game to see if that would help and you know that is the last thing
a gamer wants to do. It's lengthy and took ages to reinstall. I frequently verify files and I'm told the files are good. It does no good. Yesterday I froze in game 4 times. Today it's been 3 but I just got into the game an hour ago. It is frustrating because I play with friends and I enjoy the game when I'm not freezing and suddenly disappearing in the middle of a mission. Please find a solution because this
isn't getting better with each update it's getting worse.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@smoothlegs Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that freezes are impacting your experience in The Division 2 !

The thread has been moved to the Player Support section of the forum, to bring you the best possible support.

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to check if the problem persista after checking the steps of our dedicated PC troubleshooting guide, which helps solve most of the problems encountered on that platform.

Should the problem persist afterwards, or if you have questions, don't hesitate to let us know !