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So I'm level 29, about to hit 30 and I'm wondering what the role of the brand sets, (douglas and harding, etc) play, if any, after level 30 when it becomes about gear score?

Do you still try and equip all pieces of a brand to get the bonuses? Or do you just put on whatever gives you the highest gear score?

I know that the gear sets are coming and just like division 1 people will be chasing those and grinding but until you get a gear set.... what do you do? Sacrifice your highest possible gear score in order to get the brands bonuses or just throw them out the window and equip whatever gives you the highest gear score?

I watched a few videos on youtube about what to do after level 30 but none of them i found mentioned anything about the brand sets.

So if anyone could help clarify and maybe give some other tips to get a higher gear score early or end game tips in general I'd really appreciate it!!

P.S. This nerf on extended mags suuckssss. hah.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Hey grindfactor, I've been torn on it myself, personally. I generally just throw on any gear that I find as long as it'ss a higher Gear Score and adapt accordingly. But if there's ever a chance to create Brand Set synergy, I always go for that (sometimes even for a 2-5 Gear Score negative trade off.) It depends on how much you rely on your previous setup and how much you're willing to try whatever comes your way.

I believe Voodoobox, at least with his first statement, is referring to the 3 Gear Sets (Teal/Green items), not the more standard Brand Sets. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

My advice would be try just sticking to Gear Score, but if you're finding the content starts giving a bit more trouble than you're wanting, then start really focusing on Brand Sets again.

I hope this helps!