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After the lastest update the game isn't running properly, due to extremely high CPU processing. When standing in the White House the CPU is running at maximum load when the game is in-focus. Switching to desktop the CPU load drops back to few percent, and going back to game it will steadily increase again until utilization is at maximum.

Note that there is absolutely nothing going on in the game, as player am just looking and at backgound picture with character that is barely moving. This should not require any resources at all when game is more or less in an idle mode. Which process is constantly looping and why, never seen this behavior before. Yes, it's the thedivision.exe application not some other background process.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello echolecter thanks for letting me know the CPU usage is running high on your system.

To see if we can resolve this can you please let us know what CPU you are using and how many physical cores it has?

Next, can you try checking your power options in Windows and set it to High Performance >> Open your Windows Settings, type 'Power Options, select 'Additional Power Settings', then select a High-Performance plan.

You can also try creating a new power plan in these options and set your maximum use of your CPU to 90% or another lower value, this can prevent your CPU from running at high usage, and will make your GPU work harder instead when playing the game, putting less strain on the CPU.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

No problem @echolecter thanks for the reply and update, I'm happy to hear the recent Connect update has helped bring this usage down. When a player posts in our player support section we have to assume they are looking for support with an issue and would like help troubleshooting the issue to help find a solution, but if you only wish to give feedback/inform us of an issue you have encountered recently, we thank you for making us aware in case this also affects other players too