Original Post — Direct link
After a very frustrating run - a wipe in the final fight caused by no RPGs appearing - we got to the final phase, killed Morazova, and she didn't trigger the final reload, so we couldn't finish the raid.
This kind of garbage happens too often, and you stretch the patience of very dedicated players
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hi GlennFlatpack,

Thank you for reporting this to us, we're sorry to hear you encountered this.

This is an issue that has been reported to the Development team previously, and is currently being looked into.
over 3 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
GlennFlatpack: It's our pleasure! If this happens again, please try to grab a video of it, so we can forward that to the investigating teams. I understand you didn't have this earlier, but the teams are requesting this to aid their investigation of the error.