Original Post — Direct link

I re-purchased this game because I remembered how much fun it was to play with a team had to repurchase because some people dont believe in cross save, I guess. having played about 4 -6 hours of the game I realized how completely broken everything is and would like a refund basically. this game doesn't get any attention for maintenance it feels considering I'm watching half my street disappear and then form as a hill Infront of me, I almost went into epileptic shock because the pixels in the game just started randomly flashing at me as half the screen collapses. also int is impossible for me to any of the side missions or story ling it wont let me on the regular game and the DLC idk what thats about.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello  CountryLake2, thank you for posting and welcome to the forums.

Sorry to hear of the visual glitches you have experienced in-game, such as flashing pixels. This can often be attributed to a certain driver update if playing on PC.

A for the level of detail and pop-in, this can sometimes be compensated depending on what graphic/video settings you are using in-game.

What platform are you playing in, please?

Also. if you ever do wish to apply for a refund for a game, there are a few criteria you must meet first, but you can apply automatically through our Ubisoft Store if that is where you purchased > https://www.ubisoft.com/help?article=000096862