Two days in a row just got BSOD playing Division 2, after some few hours lets say 3 to 5 hours of gameplay, yestarday PC just froze and I manually restart, today PC froze again but I decide to let it to see whats happening, and after about 30 seconds, display turns black with some kind of graphics glitches and PC restart, on event viewer I got some errors and BSOD 0x00000133
rtx 4070 ti
z790 asus rog strix-f
32gb ram 5600
corsair rm1000x
crucial p5 plus 1tb (here is where is installed)
Have to say yestarday first BSOD I had 528.49 and today at second BSOD I had 528.02 version driver.
No problems other games as far I know.