Original Post — Direct link

Just ran into a live stream on Twitch channel: [Removed by Moderation]

he/she openly titless stream itself "cheats" new records for mission completions on various occasions.

all of his/her other previous streams are also related to cheating on Division 2 as well.

just wondering about about what action could be taken after this?

when a cheater dares enough to have his own live-streaming cheating.

here are some screenshots. you guys can see he/she has the .50 Tac Rifle with hundreds of ammo.

you can also see his/her name on the completion times on mission like Roosevelt Island from different difficulties.

we all have already known about cheaters/hackers. but to have their own stream is on another level.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone thanks for getting in touch about a cheating player you may have encountered in-game.

Please remember naming and shaming publicly breaks our forum rules, so we have edited out the player's name.

You can report cheating or toxic players in-game using the Report A Player tool > 

If you happen to have video evidence of the cheating taking place, the name of the cheating player, and the time and date of the event, please could you also send us your video clips via our support website to forward to our Division security team, as naming and shaming goes against our forum rules! >  https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact

You can read more about this in our TD2 code of conduct and how we act upon reports here >

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for that feedback @V1rtualzZ, I am sorry to hear that is your take on the cheat reporting in general, I can assure you if you use the in-game report tool this information will be sent directly to our Division team, and if you choose to contact us privately these reports will be passed onto our Division team when all the necessary information is gathered. We do appreciate players informing us of players breaking our code of conduct, but we like to avoid naming and shaming on our public forums, to avoid any kind of witch-hunt-style behaviour, which is why we have a rule against this type of thing.