Original Post — Direct link

This post is about the Summit Combat Mastery Merit commendation, which has been bugged since TU12. The commendation can be claimed early, blocking any progress and preventing additional points to be earned. This leads to people having all commendations done but having different commendation scores. This is fairly common occurrence based on what others tell me unless you make sure to do each stage before claiming it, even if the game lets you do it. I have posted below a screenshot of my commendation page along with the commendation progress itself.

As you can see, 229/229 commendations are done, but it sits in the unclaimed section and can't be claimed anymore. I have earned some points from it before it bugged out and can even wear the patch. My commendation score is 7340, while the max is 7370. This means I'm missing 30 points from this particular commendation. I have posted 2 more screenshots from another player which shows max commendation score of 7370 and the summit commendation again.

I have reported this bug in the past, as well as others on the old forums and now that is offline, I'm posting it again here.

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey there @hunterfiveseven!

I understand that the progress is not tracked for the Summit Combat Mastery Merit in The Division 2. We have forwarded this for investigation, in the meantime, please keep an eye out for new information and news here!