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I am unable to do the DZ west recon quest. It says I need to do DZ south recon first. I started doing the south recon, when I entered the door to the DZ the quest vanished and it says that is completed (in my side quest log). Checking out some videos I see that I did not finish the south recon quest, but I cannot continue. As a result, DZ west is locked and I cannot do the reckon quest to unlock it.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Thaida, we're aware of a few progression issues with the DZ recon missions. I'll get your example added to our investigation!

For now, keep an eye on our trello board for known issues: (https://trello.com/b/F2RU9ia9/the-division-2-known-issues), and the news section of the forums for any updates.