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One-hand sword Finisher animation still Zoom in but finisher Camera toggle set itΒ off.

other weapons is fine when toggle off they not zoom anymore except one-hand sword.

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@oswaldth Hi there, strange that this only happens when using this weapon. Would you be willing to share a short clip of the finisher camera toggled off and the behavior you are seeing when pulling off a finisher with the one-handed sword?

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@oswaldth Hi there, strange that this only happens when using this weapon. Would you be willing to share a short clip of the finisher camera toggled off and the behavior you are seeing when pulling off a finisher with the one-handed sword?

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@oswaldth Thank you so much for sharing this clip and showing the difference you see with the camera when using other weapons. I have sent this over to our team to check out moving forward. πŸ™‚

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@oswaldth Thank you so much for sharing this clip and showing the difference you see with the camera when using other weapons. I have sent this over to our team to check out moving forward. πŸ™‚