Original Post — Direct link

It's getting absurd, nothing fixes it, it's constant and endless. Today it's been ~6 freezes, all at complete random times. I've tried EVERYTHING, everything posted by Ubisoft and everything posted by players. This isn't a search for help, this is another voice shouting that this problem is unacceptable for a game still accepting my credit card.
Just accept that for some people (me included) none of the fixes you provide work. Sometimes the game runs fine, I've gone whole days without crashing. And sometimes you crash every 10 minutes.
The game is utterly fantastic and I enjoy every moment I spend within it, but by god is it infuriating to have it sieze up at every random opportunity it finds.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Nesquee thanks for reaching out to us.

The crashes occurring in-game are something we are currently looking into, thanks for trying the troubleshooting given by support already in this forum.

If you would like to help with our investigation, could you please describe if you received any kind of warning messages, when your game froze, such as >
- Any error message or error code from the game itself
- An error message from Windows
- An error message from supporting software (DirectX, BattlEye, Fairfight)