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Is there a list of what items and currency I should receive after boosting to level 30? Was at WT3 and decided to boost to get the resources and credits but looks like I actually lost credits and some of the resources didnt gain. Also didn't receive any caches when boosting. Did notice some of the mods were unlocked that i didnt have unlocked before. Couldn't find a detailed explanation of what you get. This is my first boost and only character. Saw an older reddit post that said you should get 150000 credits and half the cap on resources. Guessing that is outdated. Don't know if I receive those items after I complete the Warlords story either? Had around 40k credits I believe and sitting at 25000 credits now.

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @xTestiCx

I don't have a full list of what you get unfortunately but saw the Reddit post you referred to as well. If you reach out on one of the channels listed below, we'll be able to take a look into the account to see if we can see an issue with the credits disappearing and get that sorted for you at least. When you do, just let us know the date and time if you can of when you activated the boost to help us locate when it happened.

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