Original Post — Direct link
Instead of shutting down posts where actual discussion has taken place why not just ban members who interject at the start with their vitriol and disdain directed AT MEMBERS, and not the issues discussed?

This way the back and forth that eventually gets one of you to sweep in and shut it down doesn't take some of the legitimate discussion that those who look at the game mechanics and what they actually mean/do, the stuff that people can actually learn from, doesnt get tossed with it?

It's pretty obvious when you read through that post you just nuked where discussion of actual numbers is coming from, and where the vitriol pointed directly at MEMBERS, not decisions, is.

I get it...started out with a bit of fantacism and drama from me because I'm passionate about the game AND the work I put into to make my character awesome...but two comments in we've got legit discussion about numbers and builds that people can learn from.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Moderator decisions are not a topic for public discussion. If you have a question or complaint about decisions made regarding specific posts or threads, you are more than welcome to privately message me for a conversation instead of creating a thread that very clearly breaks forum rules.

So, yes, I will be closing this thread now.