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Yup i was wondering the same plus dose any one else have bugs where the mod for gears dose not show or it`s some where off screen ? Or sometimes you can even switch to other then the normal mod?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Just in the nick of time! Thank you for that image @I3loodmastery and sorry for the delay in replying as we catch up with the forum posts.

I will get this sent over to our Division QA team to make them aware of it, thank you for capturing an image for us 🙂

One last question, can you let me know what resolution you are using with your monitor, in case we need to recreate this on the same set-up?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello, thank you for your patience while we awaited for our Division QA team to investigate this issue.

They have had difficulty reproducing this issue on their save file and wanted to ask the following questions to help them continue investigating this >>

  • Is this only happening for the Chainkiller chest piece?
  • What is the user referring to when mentioning: "the new defence set"?
  • Is this happening when changing the chest appearance? If yes, what appearance was applied?
  • Is this issue happening when changing the mods? If yes, what mod was applied?
  • Are you able to record a short video clip of the issue?