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I have hit lvl30 (and WT1)on Sunday and was looking up the specialisations. Still didn't fully decided on what to pick.
Today I was just running around with Survivalist spec to see how the crossbow feels and shoots and I want to try other specs as well before I start doing any "serious" content.
What I noticed is that I almost forget that I have any Signature weapon on me. It's either that or (if I remember I have it with me) I don't have any ammo for it anyway.

Do you use your signature weapons a lot or do you just have the spec for the perks and bonuses?

@Massive/Ubisoft - I get that you don't want us to just spam the signature weapons but why does the ammo for it not replenish when we go back to Base of Operations?
I'm not saying full amount but at least 3-5 would be nice to have something to start with.
All ammo at the moment gets zeroed every time we log off anyway, so what's the point of having such weapon if we can't use it at all?
Within the roughly two hours I played today I've found 3 ammo for my crossbow and all was AFTER the encounters when everyone was dead... What's the point?
about 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Hey Rudalpl, the team is investigating the issue around Specialization Ammo!

But to answer your middle question, I mainly use the Super Sniper for Elites, otherwise I keep it tucked away.

How do you feel the Specializations compare to the Signature Skills and Talent Trees that they stand in for from The Division?