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....with the current loot/item system.

If I compare it to other lootbased RPGs like Diablo f.e. theres a continous improvement process in terms of loot.

You play and at the end of the day you can say "my char became stronger today and tomorrow I can do harder content" (f.e. higher Torment, higher G-Rift, etc....).

In Division 2 I currently miss this process in endgame bcs at the end of the day I dont feel the character improvement, even if I'm lucky and get 1 item upgrade.

OK with a upgrade Instead of 1 Mio DPS I do maybe 1,1 Mio DPS but the game itself dont gives you a feeling that this +100k damage rly matters.

Even with avarage and not perfect min/maxed gear you faceroll everything up to challange.

And Heroic is rly not worth the time & effort in terms of rewards....and bcs of the bullet sponge (yes I talk to you Black Tusk Robots) its more annoying than fun to play this mode.
Even with good min/maxed gear this dont make any difference in Heroic mode.

The base of the item system is good (brand sets f.e.) but it rly need a improvement if not even a overhaul to become great.

Currently I have to force myself to do the weeklys bcs at the end of the day the loot I get there dont rly matter even if I drop a upgrade. (And this shouldnt be the case in any lootbased RPG out there no matter if H&S, loot shooter, MMO, or anything else.)
over 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
I personally have had a bit of the opposite experience, constantly gaining slight improvements either directly to my gear score or indirectly by minor improvements on my build. But I can definitely understand where you're coming from - it has slowed down as I've gotten higher and higher gear score. Out of curiosity, could you describe what your typical experience is when you log on? What activities grab your attention, and what aspects of the game do you feel lose it as you're playing?