....with the current loot/item system.
If I compare it to other lootbased RPGs like Diablo f.e. theres a continous improvement process in terms of loot.
You play and at the end of the day you can say "my char became stronger today and tomorrow I can do harder content" (f.e. higher Torment, higher G-Rift, etc....).
In Division 2 I currently miss this process in endgame bcs at the end of the day I dont feel the character improvement, even if I'm lucky and get 1 item upgrade.
OK with a upgrade Instead of 1 Mio DPS I do maybe 1,1 Mio DPS but the game itself dont gives you a feeling that this +100k damage rly matters.
Even with avarage and not perfect min/maxed gear you faceroll everything up to challange.
And Heroic is rly not worth the time & effort in terms of rewards....and bcs of the bullet sponge (yes I talk to you Black Tusk Robots) its more annoying than fun to play this mode.
Even with good min/maxed gear this dont make any difference in Heroic mode.
The base of the item system is good (brand sets f.e.) but it rly need a improvement if not even a overhaul to become great.
Currently I have to force myself to do the weeklys bcs at the end of the day the loot I get there dont rly matter even if I drop a upgrade. (And this shouldnt be the case in any lootbased RPG out there no matter if H&S, loot shooter, MMO, or anything else.)
If I compare it to other lootbased RPGs like Diablo f.e. theres a continous improvement process in terms of loot.
You play and at the end of the day you can say "my char became stronger today and tomorrow I can do harder content" (f.e. higher Torment, higher G-Rift, etc....).
In Division 2 I currently miss this process in endgame bcs at the end of the day I dont feel the character improvement, even if I'm lucky and get 1 item upgrade.
OK with a upgrade Instead of 1 Mio DPS I do maybe 1,1 Mio DPS but the game itself dont gives you a feeling that this +100k damage rly matters.
Even with avarage and not perfect min/maxed gear you faceroll everything up to challange.
And Heroic is rly not worth the time & effort in terms of rewards....and bcs of the bullet sponge (yes I talk to you Black Tusk Robots) its more annoying than fun to play this mode.
Even with good min/maxed gear this dont make any difference in Heroic mode.
The base of the item system is good (brand sets f.e.) but it rly need a improvement if not even a overhaul to become great.
Currently I have to force myself to do the weeklys bcs at the end of the day the loot I get there dont rly matter even if I drop a upgrade. (And this shouldnt be the case in any lootbased RPG out there no matter if H&S, loot shooter, MMO, or anything else.)