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I was wondering if this is a known issue or if there is a fix for the problem below.

I have recently reinstalled TD2 to have a look at the new content. However, during combat when there are screen effects active from the foam, burning, shock or suppression DOF blur, my framerate drops from 100 to 10 and any controls to the game seem to get delayed due to the low frame rate. This has resulted in numerous deaths and due to the type of content, I'd have to replay an entire half hour / hour of gameplay. This is obviously quite frustrating and I have already tampered with numerous graphical settings, but none remove the problem entirely.

My (relevant) system specs are as follows:

- Core i9-9900K
- 32GB DDR4
- MSI RTX 2080 Ti
- Samsung 970 Evo Plus 2TB SSD.
- Seasonic 850W PSU (80+ Gold)

I play on a 144Hz 1440p GSYNC monitor with GSYNC enabled on 2560x1440. The power plan is also set to ultimate performance etc. The problem is non-existent in other games, just TD2.

In the in-game world chat, I have asked the question if other players also have encountered this issue and the answer was yes, but no one seemed to know a fix other than - " LOL buy a new videocard" - etc, which is obviously not the solution to this specific problem.

Thank you for your assistance and hopefully your quick reply.

Kind regards

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Jarraxx thanks for getting in touch and thank you for giving us your specs too.

You mention that during combat there are strange effects created by certain attacks, I haven't come across this issue yet.

Do you have any images or screenshots that will help show exactly how this looks in the game?

If you do not have any at hand, if you find any video clips online of what this looks like in-game, you can link that in this thread also if you prefer?