Original Post — Direct link
  • platform: PC / Win10 / Ubisoft Connect (not Epic)
  • game version: TU16.2 (latest update)
  • repeatable: yes, has occurred every time I played the mission (five times between two different characters, on world difficulties "hard" and "challenging", mission difficulties "challenging" and "heroic")

Since this update, every time I play the Wall Street mission, after one crosses the scaffolding to enter the building where the final boss fight occurs with Dragov and his final two lieutenants (Knuckles and Ron), the lines of Dragov's speech play simultaneously so he's overriding himself. The starting line about sisters and brothers plays at the same time as the final line "let's show them".

This isn't as momentous as the freezing / crashing to desktop or the DELTA-03 issues, but I would rank it with the various cosmetics clipping issues.
It's a new bug introduced to this mission, along with the long-time "none of the three street exits are open when you finish the mission" on any difficulty higher than story.

Best regards.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @justinstyles and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Would it be possible for you to record a short video of that speech for us? Once we have a video I can get this escalated to the team so we can get it replicated.

If you can get a video, just put it up on YouTube and post a link to it in this thread!