Original Post — Direct link

Hi. I've been doing manhunt and third key seems to be bugged for me. I hand it in in the base of operation but nothing happens. Key is gone from my inventory but quest is still unfinished. Tried restarting the manhunt, just did all 3 again, no problem with first two keys but when I handed in the third key, same thing as first try. Key is gone and quest still want me to hand the third key in. Any suggestion what should I do?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone, thanks for reporting this issue it appears to be similar to this issue reported here > https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/159088

If you are playing in a party try to get the group leader to hand the key into the NPC. If you are not the party leader, please leave the party, then try handing the key in if you have it in your possession.

Players should no longer be missing the decryption key when resuming their personal progression after doing the decryption missions/manhunts while in a group, the next key you need will then become available on the next manhunt.

Let me know what happens after following these steps exactly? We may need a video clip showing this not working as intended if it appears to be bugged for you for our Division team to look into this further we are currently investigating similar reports for the Captain Lewis Manhunt keys