Original Post — Direct link

I recently after trial ended purchased the game division2 and for god knows why i can't hear in-game transmissions like ISAC in game enemies alert or mid missions debriefs collected audio files (the phone recordings) it all has subtitles i even reinstalled the game and issue still persists please help me.

thanks in advance

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Akatsirin - Direct link

Hey @BaronCandy

I moved your thread to the Division 2 section of the forums for clarity.

I'm sorry to see you're not having any sound for the NPCs audios. Did you also have that issue during the trial? Would you be able to verify your game files, please?

If the issue persists, could you please provide a video showing this? You can upload it to Youtube or another sharing website and add the link to your thread. Thank you!