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So this weekend I was playing TD2 with a group of randoms and we was talking about the Exotics that they have seen or gotten, when one of them had an idea.

What if the Vendor, Cassie would sell a special Cache once a month. Kind of like the GE Vendor did in TD, but in this Cache all loot was available at it's current drop rate.

Pros and Cons tossed back an forth and what exactly would you have to do to get it. So it went on and on, one person stated a month's worth of farming, and it was became a dead discussion after that.

Since I have been thinking about that, I am guessing at some point Massive will do something like this at the end of the game's life. To sell them on the idea, how much is a month's worth of farming to you that you are willing to spend it on one cache for a chance at the best items in the game? I know there are some hardcore farmers out there, what is your target amount with in game cash? No real money could be used for this.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
This is an interesting idea, especially for the end-game economy within The Division 2. I've been keeping an eye out for threads on that larger topic, so I'll make a note to follow this one as well.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-RealDude - Direct link
Originally Posted by YodaMan 3D
You really need more out of you then that. Step outside of your job and speak as a player. What value would you put on a special cache for a shot at something really good?
As a player I can understand the desire for end-game money sinks, and getting a solid reward of high quality gear from such a sink is always nice... But it feels like it would come with a handful of issues whichever way it could hypothetically be implemented... not to mention really put a finger on the scales in the 'Sell vs. Deconstruct' conversation. At the end of the day, and again this is just my take, it seems like an overly complicated solution to a symptom rather than addressing the core thing. But to ignore the nuance and give a blunt answer, I'd go the one million price tag with a handful of asterisks depending on how it might be done.

As I'm sure you'll agree, the conversation around the topic is far more interesting than my personal views on it.