almost 5 years
ago -
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The servers will shut down for an unscheduled maintenance tomorrow, Friday, April 24th at 11:30 CEST, 05:30 AM EDT, 02:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.
Maintenance Notes:
Since we're still working on these fixes, we will update their status tomorrow during the maintenance.
Please follow this thread for additional updates as work on several issues progresses.
Thank you for your patience,
/The Division Team
The servers will shut down for an unscheduled maintenance tomorrow, Friday, April 24th at 11:30 CEST, 05:30 AM EDT, 02:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.
Maintenance Notes:
- M1A Classic/Baker's Dozen Rifle Rebalance
- Revert 40% damage reduction.
- 20% damage reduction in PvP
- Players on Stadia will not see this displayed correctly in the UI, but the damage is changed. This will be displayed correctly following the next client update.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to attack generators and blocking mission progression.
- Fixed an issue causing all Turret skill variants to fail on thrown deployment with the Cool Skills Directive activated.
Since we're still working on these fixes, we will update their status tomorrow during the maintenance.
Please follow this thread for additional updates as work on several issues progresses.
Thank you for your patience,
/The Division Team