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I know this is extremely late but I'm getting back into Division 2 after a lot break. I watched the twitch stream for the Tactical integral Mask. But I never was able to redeem/claim it from my Twitch drop. Then when it was made free to get just by logging on. I logged on but I was glitched into a unending loading screen. So I had to uninstall then reinstall only for it to happen again. So I uninstalled it again then as of last month I've been getting back into it but all my friends have the mask and been making it a big deal. And I know I should've said something when it first happened but I was going through a deep depression when it happened and I didn't have the mental health to handle anything. Is there even a way to get it anymore more or am I out of luck.?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @ghostmstrchief,

Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about your experience.

Can you please confirm if you're able to see your Twitch drop in your Twitch drops inventory? Regretfully, if you haven't claimed it in time, it won't be possible to receive this item, I'm afraid. Apologies for any disappointment caused by this.

If, however, you have this item in your Twitch inventory, can you please provide us with more details, so we can investigate it further for you?

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

No worries @GhostMstrChief. If you do happen to have the Tactical Twitch Drop in your inventory and claimed it correctly within 24 hours of the stream ending, please send us an uncropped screenshot of your Twitch Drops inventory, with your Twitch username on show that displays the Tactical Mask as claimed > https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory

However if the item does not appear then we wouldn't be able to push this tactical mask onto your account, my apologies.

The way Twitch Drops work was amended in the last 2 years I believe, the drops now have to be claimed straight away after receiving the notification and you must have your Twitch and Ubisoft accounts correctly linked before watching the stream. You can find out more about these recent changes on Twitch's website to prevent the same issue from happening again > https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/mission-based-drops: (https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/mission-based-drops)

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for your kind words @GhostMstrChief, I'm glad to hear you would like to see some more live streams planned for the game in future. We have some more content scheduled for the game and the franchise in general, here's a post about our upcoming seasons and events that might interest you >


You've been a pleasure to talk to and I hope you will continue to enjoy the game and what we have planned for it in future, take care 🙂