I am a Day 1 Player, the Game is 4 years out now and i played on so much different setups... and there so many bugs, but in its current state the game is unplayable for me now..
DX12 runs at 5 FPS.... (dx12 NEVER worked since release..... but the 5 fps problem is new, in the good old days there were crashes every 1h or so)
DX11 my Game crashes every 20 Minutes.
so what should i do?
And NO i will not do the dxdiag or send log files or such a thing (i did this many many times), its not my work to get this game running, its yours!
And NO its not my Hardware, there are thounsands of Gamers with the same issues.
And YES i deleted the My Games Folder.
I thought with the steam release, the support will be getting better but im afraid that was a fault...
a very frustrated Gamer ....