Original Post — Direct link
Hi there,

I'm trying to extract a stat for the re-calibration library and the game won't allow me - I've been trying for 3 days now, I've attached a video (link) that shows the issue - it refuses to extract, doesn't matter how many times I try to do it - Pistol stat FYI.

I've also noticed that my "Striker Helmet" that I received during Season 1 is not there/missing from my main character (1st character) - I haven't actually looked to see if there is more things missing but I remember a discussion where I was told to use a paint with a red dot and I couldn't find it - What ELSE is missing?

Link to video mentioned above: https://ufile.io/uucrtsno

NOTE: I tried to log a support ticket with Ubisoft Support, but it seems I can't do that - COVID-19 blah blah blah.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link
Hey there guys!

Thank you for the report, medicnick83.

dagrommit is correct in saying that the recalibration library has been reported, and our team are currently investigating further. Once we have an official update, we will share it with you in the forum.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience at this time.