Original Post — Direct link

Twice now I've been unable to upgrade a piece of gear. I keep getting the 'insufficient material' error message, but I have all of the materials!
With two exotic comments in my possession I'm unable to upgrade any item that requires two exotic comments.
If I acquire a third exotic component I'll be able to upgrade the items and have one remaining component.
*This did not happen when I spent five components on upgrading a weapon. I had five exotic components and spent all of them on the upgrade.
So far its only happened when I have two components.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Du-mah sorry to hear you are having issues upgrading certain parts of gear.

In order for us to look into this further, could you let us know the exact names of the gear you are unable to Upgrade and what levels they are?

Are you able to send us a video clip of this happening in-game, as we may need to forward this clip to our QA team for further investigation?

PC >
-Please use a program like Xbox Gamebar (installed on Windows 10/11), and press the Windows and G key to start recording a video clip
-When you have finished recording, you can find your clip in your 'Videos/Capture' folder
-Please post this clip to a hosting website such as YouTube or Imgur
-You should then be able to post the URL link to the video in this thread