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The cooldown reset for the Decoy skill on headshot kill doesnt seem to work. I tried moving the Decoy to the other slot and still didnt work.

I am using 4 piece Aces & Eights with the Chainkiller chest and Exotic Sawyers kneepads. Also Revier Hive as my second skill.

I did not take video because it is just too annoying to upload here from Xbox. I hope this info was enough.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Agents,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I will report this to the development team but first, can I kindly ask you to provide us with a short video of this occurring? Many thanks and apologies for any inconvenience caused by this.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey folks,

The team are aware of inconsistencies with the Mantis and are investigating.

Once there is more information to share, we will do so
over 3 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Hey Cr4p0w3! I just replied to you on a different thread about the same issue, but just in case, I'm afraid we do not have any updates to share at this time on this issue. However, please rest assured that I have let my teams know that this is still an issue that is impacting you and the others that have posted about it on the various threads. We'll continue to look into this on our end to see what we can do. I sincerely appreciate your continued patience in the meantime.