over 4 years
ago -
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The servers will shut down for a scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, December 15th at 09:30 CET, 03:30 AM EDT, 12:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is 3 hours.
Maintenance Notes:
Please follow this thread for any updates as the maintenance progresses.
/The Division Team
The servers will shut down for a scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, December 15th at 09:30 CET, 03:30 AM EDT, 12:30 AM PDT.
Estimated downtime is 3 hours.
Maintenance Notes:
- Fixed an issue where the Memento Exotic backpack could gain Kill Confirmed talent stacks whenever certain skills explode, even without kills.
- Fixed an issue where players could get Memento stacks/power ups from destroying their own skills.
- Fixed an issue where named Empress International gear pieces could drop at Superior (purple) quality.
- Fixed an issue where players incorrectly received a Global Event Star when leveling up.
- Fixed an issue where deconstructing pieces of the Rigger Gear Set did not yield materials.
Please follow this thread for any updates as the maintenance progresses.
/The Division Team