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Are Absolutely The Most Cheapest NPCs In a game Non Stop Grenades Rushing Nothing is tactical about them .One Shot hits Melee Damage they do .The Most Cheapest NPCs In a Video Game
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Lucipus - Direct link
Closing thread due to spamming.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Boresight: They use to be in War of the Walkers.
Yes, because they took the partially implemented code TFP has put into the game, and just enabled it. They were/are buggy as hell. If you actually played the War of the Walkers mod you would be very familiar with this.
almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Darkside99x: They have stated in the past that they would prefer to keep them for 1.0.

I hope they don't stick to that, experience has taught me that they will need a lot of tweaking post release to work properly.

I really wish they would let us test this stuff in progress like an EA game is supposed to.
umm last I heard they were still slated for a21/beta. I never saw anywhere that they were preferring to keep them for 1.0.

Though the new character stuff is being pushed to Alpha 21, there is too much stuff to change out. As a result, it is possible that something might change with the bandits and survivors, though that is a separate group of code being worked on by a different person so it may not make any difference either.

over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Bandits and Survivors are on the roadmap and have been in development for a while now.